I can't believe its already April and we haven't been camping since Labor Day. Where does the year go? I was not too thrilled about this trip due to a major women's event I was helping out with at church the day we left. I was extremely exhausted, but knew it would be good for my family and I'm glad I decided to go. We left Saturday night which was beautiful and headed out to Falls Lake. The area we camped in was filled with kids our kids ages and they had a blast playing until it was time to go to bed.
The next day we hung around and Bryce tried to learn how to ride his bike without training wheels as you see from the pictures. He did succeed starting and stopping by himself by Monday morning. Bryce also spent some time fishing with his new pole and lets not forget Stacy with her new Princess pole. I casted a little too hard for her out in the water and broke the line. Ooops so she decided she would stab the fish to get them instead - as if her talking didn't scare them away already.
Of course we did smore's thanks to Campfire brand marshmallows who sent me two free 1 1lb bags just for asking for coupons. Bryce likes his nice and burnt. The doctors would have fun with that one I'm sure.
Monday morning rained of course, but cleared up enough for us to enjoy most of the morning and for Bryce to catch his first fish. He also caught a lizard that stayed alive amazingly for 24 hours. That lizard kept both of them occupied for quite a while.
Oh the joys of kids in nature - just makes my life SOOOO much easier. Especially the eating outside part.