Can you tell by the first picture what kind of weekend we had. I love Crocs especially for rainy, wet, muddy activities.
After two bad experiences at Raccoon Holler we still decided to give it another try. We still love the area of course and it wasn't the campgrounds fault that my husband was run over by a dump truck last Memorial Day and we got the Stomach Flu over Labor Day. This time it was fun, but very rainy. It rained every night through most of the night then on and off the three days we were there. That wasn't going to stop us though and each time we got out to do something it stopped raining enough for us to enjoy what we were doing and start again as soon as we were done.
Bryce entered the kids fishing tournament and won the award for catching the most fish - 5 total. The picture of him holding one, he does not have a cigarette, just a dum dum lollipop. We also hung out with Daddy-D, his family and friends again. One couple has a seasonal site and has done a wonderful job of decorating as you can see by one of the pictures. The tree house even has a t.v. Very cute and fun to hang out there and of course you can't beat the company.
We discovered the greenway in Boone which I highly recommend and Bryce was able to ride his bike without training wheels for 3.9 miles on it! Not without a few crashes due to butterfly or bug distractions along the way. We also found a nice little beach area along the new river to throw rocks and catch water bugs. All in all I think the kids had great memories and we had a nice relaxing time. Helps that I love to listen to the sound of rain.